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  • CHNSpec plans to launch CS-600

  • 信息来源:彩谱品牌厂家   浏览次数:0    发表时间:2020-01-14
  • CHNSpec plans to launch CS-600 portable spectrocolorimeter. CS-600 is a high quality, affordable color measurement instrument. CS-600 combines various technological characteristics; it has high performance to price ratio, and its affordability meets the pressing demand of small to medium sized companies on high end instruments.

    CS-600 has the following notable features:
    Wide application fields: can be used in factories, laboratories or on spot, it can ensure the best color measuring quality in the quality control of almost all application fields.
    Portable color measuring instrument: Light and easy to carry; it uses high capacity, rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack, and it has compatible DC adapter.
    Design based on human engineering: the instrument is easy to use, and its appearance is fashionable;
    Dual measurement modes: can measure in both SCI (Specular Component Included) and SCE (Specular Component Excluded) conditions at the same time;
    Powerful instrument software: contains all necessary color formulas and standard light sources for different tasks, and a large number of specific industry and application standards;
    Chinese and English languages: user interface supports both Chinese and English languages, and CHNSpec can design the interface in other languages based on the needs of the customers.

    For more information on CS-600, please visit its product page,
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